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"[화요일·수요일 종일/목요일 오전] 진단내시경 [화요일 오전] 다학제진료 11:00~12:00"


식도·위·대장질환, 소화관 암(위암,대장암), 위장관 운동성 질환 (스트레타 시술)


  • 2014.02

    인하대학교 의학전문대학원 의학과
  • 2008.02

    연세대학교 약리학교실 박사
  • 2004.02

    연세대학교 임상영양학 석사
  • 2002.02

    연세대학교 식품영양학 학사


  • 2023.03 ~ 현재

    인하대병원 소화기내과 조교수
  • 2022.03 ~ 2023.02

    인하대병원 소화기내과 임상조교수
  • 2021.03 ~ 2022.02

    인하대병원 소화기내과 임상강사
  • 2020.03 ~ 2021.02

    서울아산병원 소화기내과 임상강사
  • 2019.03 ~ 2020.02

    인하대병원 소화기내과 임상강사
  • 2015.03 ~ 2019.02

    인하대병원 내과 전공의
  • 2014.03 ~ 2015.02

    인하대병원 인턴


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    대한소화기 학회 정회원
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    대한소화기내시경 학회 준회원
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    대한소화기기능성질환운동학회 정회원
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    대한소화기기능성질환운동학회 내시경치료기기 연구회
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    대한소화기기능성질환운동학회 식이비만대사 연구회
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    대한소화기기능성질환운동학회 GERD 연구회


  • 2021.10

    SGI (Society of Gastrointestinal Intervention) 우수포스터상
  • 2021.03

    대한소화기기능성질환운동학회 우수 구연상
  • 2021.03

    대한상부위장관 헬리코박터학회 우수 구연 포스터상
  • 2019.06

    The liver week, 우수 구연 포스터상
  • 2019.10

    SGI (Society of Gastrointestinal Intervention) 우수포스터상
  • 2023.05

    DDW(Digestive Disease Week), Chicago, 2023, Best ASGE 구연 수상

주요 논문 및 저서

  • 2023

    Cha B, Noh JH, Ahn JY, Lee JS, Kim GH, Na HK, Jung KW, Lee JH, Kim DH, Choi KD, Song HJ, Lee GH, Jung HY. Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Benign Peptic Ulcer Bleeding After an Emergency Endoscopy Based on Patient Location. Dig Dis Sci. 2023, Apr
  • 2023

    Cha B, Choi K, Jung KW, Kim HJ, Kim GH, Na HK, Ahn JY, Lee JH, Choi KD, Kim DH, Song HJ, Lee GH, Jung HY, Joo S. High-resolution impedance manometry for comparing bolus transit between patients with non-obstructive dysphagia and asymptomatic controls. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2023, Apr
  • 2022

    Choi YS, Cha B, Kim SH, Yi JW, Kim KD, Choi MS, Heo YS. Clinical Characteristics of Symptomatic Cholecystitis in Post-Gastrectomy Patients: 11 Years of Experience in a Single Center. Medicina (Kaunas). 2022, Oct
  • 2022

    Noh JH, Cha B, Ahn JY, Na HK, Lee JH, Jung KW, Kim DH, Choi KD, Song HJ, Lee GH, Jung HY. Scoring systems for predicting clinical outcomes in peptic ulcer bleeding. Medicine (Baltimore). 2022, Sep
  • 2022

    Cha B, Kwon KS, Lee HL, Kim CW. Successful mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination and Colonoscopy After Oral Desensitization in a Patient With Polyethylene Glycol Allergy. J Korean Med Sci. 2022, Aug
  • 2022

    Cha B, Shin J, Ko WJ, Kwon KS, Kim H. Prognosis of incompletely resected small rectal neuroendocrine tumor using endoscope without additional treatment. BMC Gastroenterology. 2022, Jun
  • 2022

    Cha B, Lee D, Shin J, Park JS, Kwon GS, Kim H. Hemostatic efficacy and safety of the hemostatic powder UI-EWD in patients with lower gastrointestinal bleeding. BMC Gastroenterology. 2022, Apr
  • 2021

    Shin J, Cha B, Park JS, Ko WJ, Kwon KS, Lee JW, Kim HK, Shin YW. Efficacy of a novel hemostatic adhesive powder in patients with upper gastrointestinal tumor bleeding. BMC Gastroenterol. 2021,21(1):40
  • 2021

    Cha B, Lee MJ, Park JS, Jeong S, Lee DL, Park TG. Clinical efficacy of high-flow nasal oxygen in patients undergoing ERCP under sedation. Scientific Reports 2021,11:350
  • 2021

    Cha B and Jung KW. Diagnosis of Dysphagia: High Resolution Manometry & EndoFLIP. Korean J Gastroenterol. 2021,77(2):64-70
  • 2021

    Cha B, Bang BW, Shin JB, Ko EJ, Ko W, Kwon KS, Shin YW, Suh YJ, Kim H. Bismuth containing quadruple therapy versus tailored therapy as first-line treatments for Helicobacter pylori infection in a high clarithromycin resistance area. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2021,56:1017-1022
  • 2021

    Lee MJ, Cha B, Park JS, Kim JS, Cho SY, Han JH, Park MH, Yang C, Jeong S. Impact of High Flow Nasal Cannula Oxygenation of the Prevention of Hypoxia during Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography in Elderly Patients : A Randomized Clinical Trial. Dig.Dis. Sci. 2021
  • 2020

    Cha B, Park JS, Jeong S, Lee DH, Cho JH. Simultaneous Side-by-Side Bilateral Placement of Braided-Type Metal Stents Using a 5.9F Delivery System for Unresectable Malignant Hilar Biliary Obstruction: A Preliminary Feasibility Study. J Invest Surg. 2020,4:1-6
  • 2020

    Cha B, Hong JT, Park JS, Ko WJ, Shin YW. Preliminary results of fecal microbiota transplantation in diarrhea predominant irritable bowel syndrome: Case series of 12 patients. Annals of Clinical and Medical Case reports. 2020,8:1-6
  • 2020

    Song BH, Cha B, Park JS, Jung S, Lee DH. Effects of microvascular invasion on clinical outcomes after resection with curative intent for cholangiocarcinoma. Medicine (Baltimore).2020,24:99(52):e22938
  • 2020

    Cha B, Park JS, Jeong S, Lee DH, Kim JM. Direct cholangioscopy with argon plasma coagulation of an intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the bile duct. Korean J Intern Med. 2019,34(4):940-941
  • 2020

    Cha B, Yu JH, Jin YJ, Suh YJ, Lee JW. Survival Outcomes According to Body Mass Index in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patient: Analysis of Nationwide Cancer Registry Database. Sci Rep. 2020,20;10(1):8347



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