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"[금요일 오전] 국제진료센터 진료"
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연세대학교 의과대학 의학과 학사주요경력
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대한 산부인과학회 제 104차 학술대회 일반부인과학 - 최우수 구연상주요 논문 및 저서
Transcriptomic patterns in early-secretory and mid-secretory endometrium in a natural menstrual cycle immediately before in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer. Choo SP, Lee I, Lee JH, Lee D, Park H, Park JH, Cho S, Choi YS. Obstet Gynecol Sci. 2023 Sep;66(5):417-429.2023
Formononetin Inhibits Progression of Endometriosis via Regulation of p27, pSTAT3, and Progesterone Receptor: In Vitro and In Vivo Studies. Park Y, Choo SP, Jung GS, Kim S, Lee MJ, Im W, Park H, Lee I, Lee JH, Cho S, Choi YS. Nutrients. 2023 Jun 30;15(13):3001.2021
Effect of maternal age on maternal and perinatal outcomes including cesarean delivery following induction of labor in uncomplicated elderly primigravidae. Jeong Y, Choo SP, Yun J, Kim EH. Medicine (Baltimore). 2021 Aug 27;100(34):e27063.2019
The effect of diagnosis-related group payment system on the quality of medical care for pelvic organ prolapse in Korean tertiary hospitals. MJ Jeon, SP Choo, YH Kwak, DW Kim, EH Kim. PLoS One . 2019 Aug 20;14(8):e0220895.2019
Benefits and risks of induction of labor at 39 or more weeks in uncomplicated nulliparous women: a retrospective, observational study. HI Kim, SP Choo, SW Han, EH Kim. Obstet Gynecol Sci. 2019;62(1):19-26언론보도
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