진료일정 진료과 센터
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"★ 직업병 안심센터"
환경성질환, 화학물질관리, 직업성호흡기질환, 고엽제
연세대학교 의학박사1993.02
연세대학교 의학석사1987.02
연세대학교 의학사주요경력
2005.01 ~ 현재
인하대병원 직업환경의학과 교수2010.01 ~ 2020.02
인하대병원 직업환경의학과 과장2005.01 ~ 2010.01
인하대병원 산업의학과 부교수1999.01 ~ 2001.01
미 질병관리본부 NCEH, 방문연구원1998.01 ~ 1999.01
인하대병원 산업의학과 조교수학회활동
Member, Korean Society of Environmental Toxicology-
Member, Korean Society of Occupational & Environmental-
Member, Korean Society of Preventive medicine-
Professional Consultant, Korea Labor Welfare-
Co-director, Children’s Health and Environment, Environmental Justice수상경력
주요 논문 및 저서
Low blood levels of lead and mercury and symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity in children: A report of the children's health and environment research (CHEER), NEUROTOXICOLOGY2008
Community level exposure to chemicals and oxidative stress in adult population, TOXICOLOGY LETTERS2006
Risk factors affecting blood PCDDs and PCDFs in residents living near an industrial incinerator in Korea, ARCHIVES OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY, 51, pp478~4842006
Exposures to air pollutants during pregnancy and preterm delivery, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES, 114, pp905~9102005
Asthma attack associated with oxidative stress by exposure to ETS and PAH , JOURNAL OF ASTHMA, 42, pp463~467언론보도
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