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보철과, 임플란트 보철, 심미보철


  • 2002.08

    연세대학교 (치의학박사) 보철학
  • 1998.08

    연세대학교 (치의학석사) 치과학(보철)
  • 1990.02

    연세대학교 (학사) 치의학


  • 2010.09 ~ 현재

    인하대병원 치과 교수
  • 2019.09 ~ 2024.05

    인하대병원 치과 과장
  • 2010.03 ~ 2017.07

    인하대병원 치과 과장
  • 2005.09 ~ 2010.08

    인하대병원 치과 부교수
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    niv. Tennessee Health Science Center 방문교수
  • 2001.04 ~ 2005.08

    인하대병원 치과 조교수
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    인하대병원 치과 전임강사
  • 1996.05 ~ 1997.02

    연대 치과병원 강사(보철과)
  • 1990.03 ~ 1993.02

    연대 치대부속병원 보철과 수련


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    International Team for Implantology Fellow
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    식품의약품안전처 전문위원
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    대한턱관절교합학회 인천지부장
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    대한치과보철학회 이사 및 교육지도의
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    대한구강악안면임프란트학회 인천지부 회장
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    현재 대한통합치과학회 부회장


주요 논문 및 저서

  • 2017

    Jee-Hwan Kim1†, Seung-Won Yang2†, NamSik Oh3* Clinical study on the comparison of gold and zirconia wear in an implant-supported fixed prosthesis. J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci 2017;33(4):252-9
  • 2009

    이은정, 김원, 최지영, 김승미, 오남식: 짧은 임플란트의 생존율에 관한 고찰. 대한치과보철학회지(journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics) 2009;47:457
  • 2009

    한선덕, 김원, 최지영, 오남식, 이명현: Nanofilled 복합레진으로 와동 충전 시 flowable 레진 사용 유무에 따른 피로시험 후의 미세 변연 누출 비교. 대한치과보철학회지(journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics) 2009;47:342.
  • 2009

    Appleford MR, Oh S, Oh NS, Ong JL : In vivo study on hydroxyapatite scaffolds with trabecular architecture for bone repair. J Biomed Mater Res A 2009;89(4):1019-1027.
  • 2009

    SH Kim, EJ Lee, NS Oh, MH Lee, SJ Lee : Comparison of Bone Formation between Hydroxyapatite and β-Tricalcium Phosphate Scaffolds Fabricated from Egg Shell. Korean Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 2009;320-326
  • 2008

    정숙인, 오남식, 이명현, 이은정, 조정현, 지성원: 복합 레진에서 마무리 방법에 따른 표면 거칠기 비교. 대한치과보철학회지(journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics) 2008;46:105.
  • 2008

    조정현, 이은정, 소경모, 김원, 오남식, 한상현, 송경화: 지혈제가 상아질과 레진 결합력에 미치는 영향. 대한치과보철학회지(journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics) 2008;46:351.
  • 2008

    지성원, 오남식, 천재식: 가토 경골에서 다이오드 레이저 조사가 임플란트의 골유착에 미치는 영향. 대한구강악안면병리학회 2008;32:277.
  • 2008

    한상현, 조정현, 이은정, 정숙인, 오남식: 완전 도재관을 위한 지대치 형성시 변연 형태에 따른 응력 분포의 유한요소법적 비교. 대한치과보철학회지(journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics) 2008;46:1.
  • 2007

    Chen W, Oh S, Ong AP, Oh NS, LiuY, Courtney HS, Appleford M, One JL : Antibacterial and osteogenic properties of silver-containing hydroxyapatite coatings prodeced using a sol gel process. J Biomed Mater Res A 2007;82(4):899-906
  • 2007

    Lee SJ, Yoon YS, Lee MH, Oh NS : Nanosized hydroxyapatite powder synthesized from eggshell and phosphoric acid. J Nanosci Nanotechnol 2007;7(11):4061-4064
  • 2007

    나윤호, 오남식, 유재흥: 상아질 지각완화제가 치과용 시멘트의 결합강도에 미치는 영향. 대한치과보철학회지(journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics) 2007;45:579.
  • 2007

    정혜진, 유재흥, 오남식, 김한성: 치주 지지가 감소된 소구치에서 포스트가 치근 응력 분포에 미치는 영향에대한 3차원 유한요소법적 연구. 대한치과보철학회지(journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics) 2007;45:567
  • Lee MH, Oh NS, Lee SW, Lee sungbok R, Kim SE, Yun YP, Kang JH: Factors influencing osteoblast maturation on microgrooved titanium substrata. Biomaterials;31(14):3804-3815
  • Lee SW, Lee MH, Oh NS, Park JA, Lee sungbok R, Ahn SJ: Correlation of surface hydrophilicity and alkaline phosphatase activity on microgrooved titanium substrata. J Oral Implantol
  • Lee SJ, Ko SI, Lee MH, Oh NS : Fabrication of Nano-Sized β -TCP Powder by an Organic-Inorganic Solution Route. Journal of ceramic processing research 8(4);281-28
  • Lee SJ, Yoon YS, Lee MH, Oh NS : Nanosized hydroxyapatite powder synthesized from eggshell and phosphoric acid. ournal of nanoscience and nanotechnology 7(11);4061-4064
  • Jeong SI, Oh NS,Lee MH, Lee EJ, Cho JH, Ji SW : Comparative study of surface roughness between several finishing and polishing procedures on ormocer-based composite resin and nanohybrid composite resin. The Korean Academy of Prosthodontics 46(2);105-115T
  • Kim SY, Oh NS, Lee MH, Kim SE, Lee SB, Lee SW : Surface microgrooves and acid etching on titanium substrata alter various cell behaviors of cultured human gingival fibroblasts. Clinical oral implants research 20(3):262-72
  • Oh NS, Kim DJ, JL Ong, Lee HY, Lee KW : Properties and cyclic fatigue of glass infiltrated tape cast alumina cores produced using a water-based solvent. Dental Materials 23(4):442-9
  • Lee SW, Kim SY, Lee MH, Lee KW, Lee SB, Oh NS : Influence of etched microgrooves of uniform dimension on in vitro responses of human gingival fibroblasts. Clinical oral implants research 20(5):458-66
  • Kim ES, Michael Marmo,Lee CY, Oh NS, Kim IK : An in vivo comparison of working length determination by only root-ZX apex locator versus combining root-ZX apex locator with radiographs using a new impression technique. ORAL SURGERY, ORAL MEDICINE, ORAL PATHOLOGY, ORAL RADIOLOGY, AND ENDODONTICS 105(4):e79-e83
  • Ji-Yeon Lee, Ji-Young Yoon, Namsik Oh* The use of surgical guide stent for implant placement. The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics 52(4) 366-375
  • Joon-Ho Yoon1, Young-Bum Park2, Seung-Hwan Youn3, Nam-Sik Oh4* Korea Academy of Prosthodontics criteria for longevity studies of dental prostheses. The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics 54(4)341-352
  • Ji-Man Park, DDS, PhD,a Yong-Shin Hong, DDS,b Eun-Jin Park, DDS, PhD,c Seong-Joo Heo, DDS, PhD,d and Namsik Oh, DDS, PhDe. Clinical evaluations of cast gold alloy, machinable zirconia, and semiprecious alloy crowns: A multicenter study THE JOURNAL OF PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY 115(6) 684-691
  • Hyun-Suk Kim, So-Hyun Kim, Namsik Oh*: Full mouth rehabilitation of mandibular edentulous patient using implant hybrid prosthesis. 대한치과보철학회지 56(1) 25-30
  • Joon-Ho Yoon1, Young-Bum Park2, Nam-Sik Oh3*: Analysis of longevity and success rate of fixed, removable, and implant prostheses treated in Korea 대한치과보철학회지 56(2) 96-104



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