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성기능장애, 남성불임, 전립선질환, 요로결석


  • 2004.02

    인하대학교 (의학박사) 의학
  • 2002.02

    연세대학교 (의학석사) 의학
  • 1993.02

    연세대학교 (의학사) 의학


  • 2022.12 ~ 현재

    인하대병원 중개연구센터장
  • 2013.09 ~ 현재

    인하대학교 의과대학 비뇨의학과 교수
  • 2022.02 ~ 2025.02

    인하대병원 비뇨의학과 과장
  • 2019.08 ~ 2021.07

    인하대병원 의생명연구원 산학연융합연구기획실장
  • 2008.01 ~ 2013.08

    인하대학교 의과대학 비뇨의학과 부교수
  • 2007.01 ~ 현재

    대한남성과학회 윤리협력이사
  • 2008.03 ~ 현재

    대한비뇨기과학회 기초의학연구회, 상임이사
  • 2008.03 ~ 2010.02

    대한남성과학회, 상임이사
  • 2001.05 ~ 2002.02

    인하대병원, 전임의
  • 1994.03 ~ 1998.02

    강남세브란스병원, 전공의
  • 1993.03 ~ 1994.02

    강남세브란스병원, 인턴



  • 2022.11

    제19회 인천시 과학기술상 대상

주요 논문 및 저서

  • 2010

    Shin TY, Ryu JK, Jin HR, Piao S, Tumurbaatar M, Yin GN, Shin SH, Kwon MH, Song KM, Fang ZH, Han JY, Kim WJ, Suh JK. Increased Cavernous Expression of Transforming Growth Factor-β1 and Activation of the Smad Signaling Pathway Affects Erectile Dysfunction in Men with Spinal Cord Injury. J Sex Med. 2010 Oct 4. [Epub ahead of print] (공동 제1저자)
  • 2010

    Jin HR, Kim WJ, Song JS, Piao S, Tumurbaatar M, Shin SH, Choi MJ, Kwon MH, Song KM, Koh GY, Ryu JK, Suh JK. Intracavernous delivery of synthetic angiopoietin-1 protein as a novel therapeutic strategy for erectile dysfunction in the type II diabetic db/db mouse. J Sex Med. 2010 Jun 25. [Epub ahead of print] (교신저자)
  • 2010

    Jin HR, Chung YG, Kim WJ, Zhang LW, Piao S, Choi MJ, Tubushintur B, Shin SH, Tumurbaatar M, Song JS, Han JY, Ryu JK, Suh JK. A Mouse Model of Cavernous Nerve Injury-Induced Erectile Dysfunction: Functional and Morphological Characterization of the Corpus Cavernosum. J Sex Med. 2010 Jul 14. [Epub ahead of print] (교신저자)
  • 2009

    Jin HR, Kim WJ, Song JS, Choi MJ, Piao S, Shin SH, Tumurbaatar M, Tuvshintur B, Nam MS, Ryu JK, Suh JK. Functional and morphologic characterizations of the diabetic mouse corpus cavernosum: Comparison of a multiple low-dose and a single high-dose streptozotocin protocols. J Sex Med 2009;6:3289-3304. (교신저자)
  • 2009

    Ryu JK, Zhang LW, Jin HR, Piao S, Choi MJ, Tuvshintur B, Shin SH, Tumurbaatar M, Han JY, Kim WJ, Suh JK. Derangement in endothelial cell-to-cell junctions involve in the pathogenesis of hypercholesterolemia-induced erectile dysfunction. J Sex Med 2009:6; 1893-1897.
  • 2009

    Ryu JK, Piao S, Shin HW, choi MJ, Zhang L, Jin HR, Kim WJ, Han JY, Park SH, Kim IH, Lee CR, Kim DK, Mamura M, Kim SJ, Suh JK. IN-1130, a novel transforming growth factor-β type I receptor kinase (ALK5) inhibitor, promotes regression of fibrotic plaque and corrects penile curvature in a rat model of Peyronie’s disease. J Sex Med 2009:6;1284-1296.
  • 2008

    Zhang LW, Piao S, Shin HY, Choi MJ, Jin HR, Kim WJ, Han JY, Song SU, Hong SS, Park SH, CR, Mizuko M, Kim SJ, Ryu JK, Suh JK. Role of increased penile expression of transforming growth factor-β1 and activation of the smad signaling pathway in erectile dysfunction in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. J Sex Med 2008;5:2318-2329. (교신저자)
  • 2008

    Lee M, Ryu JK, Piao S, Choi MJ, Kim HA, Zhang LW, Shin HY, Jung HI, Kim IH, Kim, SW, Suh JK. Efficient gene expression system using the RTP801 promoter in the corpus cavernosum of high-cholesterol diet-induced erectile dysfunction rats for gene therapy. J Sex Med 2008:5;1355-1364.
  • 2007

    Piao S, Ryu JK, Shin HW, Zhang L, Song SU, Han JY, Park SH, Kim JM, Kim IH, Kim SJ, Suh JK. Repeated intratunical injection of adenovirus expressing transforming growth factor-β1 in a rat induces penile curvature with tunical fibrotic plaque: a useful model for the study of Peyronie’s disease. Int J Androl 2007:31;346-353. (공동 제1저자)
  • 2007

    Piao S, Ryu JK, Shin HW, Han JY, Lee HS, Suh JK. The mouse as a model for the study of penile erection: moving towards a smaller animal. Int J Androl 2007:30;452 457. (공동 제1저자)
  • 2006

    Ryu JK, Cho CH, Shin HY, Song SU, Oh SM, Lee M, Piao S, Han JY, Kim IH, Koh GY, Suh JK. Combined Angiopoietin-1 and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Gene Transfer Restores Cavernous Angiogenesis and Erectile Function in a Rat Model of Hypercholesterolemia. Mol Ther 2006:13;705-715.
  • 2006

    Ryu JK, Shin HY, Song SU, Oh SM, Lee M, Piao S, Han JY, Park KW, Suh JK. Down-regulation of angiogenic factors and their downstream target molecules affect the deterioration of erectile function in a rat model of hypercholesterolemia. Urology 2006:67;1329-1334.
  • 2005

    Ryu JK, Song SU, Han JY, Chu YC, Lee M, Kim JS, Kim SJ, Suh JK. Establishment of penile fibrosis model in a rat using mouse NIH 3T3 fibroblasts expressing transforming growth factor-β1. Biol Reprod 2005:72;916-921.
  • 2005

    Ryu JK, Lee T, Kim DJ, Park IS, Yoon SM, Lee HS, Song SU, Suh JK. Free Radical-scavenging activity of Korean red ginseng for erectile dysfunction in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus rats. Urology 2005:6;611-615.
  • 2005

    Lee M, Ryu JK, Oh SM, Lee E, Shin HY, Song SU, Kim SW, Suh JK. Water-soluble lipopolymer as a gene carrier to corpus cavernosum. Int J Impot Res 2005;17:326-34.
  • 2004

    Ryu JK, Song SU, Choi HK, Seong DH, Yoon SM, Kim SJ, Suh JK. Plasma transforming growth factor-beta1 levels in patients with erectile dysfunction. Asian J Androl 2004;6:349-353.
  • 2004

    Lee M, Song SU, Ryu JK, Suh JK. Sp1-dependent regulation of the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 promoter. J Cell Biochem. 2004;91:1260-1268.
  • 2004

    Ryu JK, Han JY, Chu YC, Song SU, Lee KH, Yoon SM, Suh JK, Kim SJ. Expression of cavernous transforming growth factor-beta1 and its type II receptor in patients with erectile dysfunction. Int J Androl. 2004;27:42-49.
  • 2003

    Ryu JK, Lee SM, Seong DH, Suh JK, Kim S, Choe W, Moon Y, Pai SH. Tc-99m ciprofloxacin imaging in diagnosis of chronic bacterial prostatitis. Asian J Androl 2003;5:179-183.
  • 2003

    Choe W, Ryu JK, Kim WH, Chung MH, Suh JK. Imaging seminal vesiculitis with Tc-99m ciprofloxacin. Clin Nucl Med. 2003;28:501-502.
  • 2003

    Ryu JK, Kim DJ, Lee T, Kang YS, Yoon SM, Suh JK. The role of free radical in the pathogenesis of impotence in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Yonsei Med J 2003;44:236-241.
  • 2002

    Choe W, Chung MH, Kim WH, Kim S, Ryu JK, Jin Kang K, Suh JK. Imaging prostatitis with Tc-99m ciprofloxacin. Clin Nucl Med 2002;27:527-529. (교신저자)
  • 2001

    Piao S, Choi MJ, Tumurbaatar M, Kim WJ, Jin HR, Shin SH, Tubushintur B, Yin KN, Lee SJ, Han JY, Kim SJ, Ryu JK, Suh JK. Transforming Growth Factor-β Type I Receptor Kinase (ALK5) Inhibitor Alleviates Fibrosis in Fibroblasts Derived from Peyronie’s Plaque. J Sex Med. 2010 Mar 11. [Epub ahead of print] (교신저자)
  • 2001

    Lee T, Seong DH, Yoon SM, Ryu JK. Prostate shape and symptom score in benign prostatic hyperplasia. Yonsei Med J. 2001 Oct;42(5):532-8.



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