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주요 논문 및 저서

  • 2020

    Yang G, Chang JS, Shin KH, Kim JH, Park W, Kim H, et al. Post-mastectomy radiation therapy in breast reconstruction: a patterns of care study of the Korean Radiation Oncology Group. Radiat Oncol J 2020;38(4):236-43
  • 2020

    Ko PH, Kim HJ, Lee JS, Kim WC. Tumor volume and sphericity as predictors of local control after stereotactic radiosurgery for limited number (1-4) brain metastases from nonsmall cell lung cancer. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol 2020;16(3):165-71.
  • 2020

    Lee J, Shin IS, Yoon WS, Koom WS, Rim CH. Comparisons between radiofrequency ablation and stereotactic body radiotherapy for liver malignancies: Meta-analyses and a systematic review. Radiother Oncol 2020;145:63-70.
  • 2020

    Lee J, Shin IS, Kim WC, Yoon WS, Koom WS, Rim CH. Reirradiation with intensity-modulated radiation therapy for recurrent or secondary head and neck cancer: Meta-analysis and systematic review. Head Neck 2020;42(9):2473-85.
  • 2020

    Lee J, Kim WC, Yoon WS, Koom WS, Rim CH. Reirradiation using stereotactic body radiotherapy in the management of recurrent or second primary head and neck cancer: A meta-analysis and systematic review. Oral Oncol 2020;107:104757.
  • 2020

    Lee J, Kim TH, Kim YS, Kim M, Park JW, Kim SH, et al. Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy-Based Reirradiation for Head and Neck Cancer: A Multi-institutional Study by Korean Radiation Oncology Group (KROG 1707). Cancer Res Treat 2020;52(4):1031-40.
  • 2020

    Lee J, Chang JS, Roh MR, Jung M, Lee CK, Oh BH, et al. Clinical Outcomes of Immune Checkpoint Blocker Therapy for Malignant Melanoma in Korean Patients: Potential Clinical Implications for a Combination Strategy Involving Radiotherapy. Cancer Res Treat 2020;52(3):730-8.
  • 2019

    Lee JJB, Lee J, Yoon HI, Kim SH, Cho J, Lee KS, et al. Analysis of patterns of failure and appraisal of postoperative radiation field for grade II-III meningioma. J Neurooncol 2019;144(2):333-41.
  • 2019

    Lee J, Yoon WS, Koom WS, Rim CH. Efficacy of stereotactic body radiotherapy for unresectable or recurrent cholangiocarcinoma: a meta-analysis and systematic review. Strahlenther Onkol 2019;195(2):93-102
  • 2019

    Lee J, Yoon WS, Koom WS, Rim CH. Role of local treatment including radiotherapy in Barcelona Clinic of Liver Cancer stage C patients: a nationwide cohort analysis in South Korea. Cancer Manag Res 2019;11:1373-82
  • 2019

    Lee J, Yoon JS, Kim JS, Koom WS, Cho J, Suh CO. Long-term outcome, relapse patterns, and toxicity after radiotherapy for orbital mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma: implications for radiotherapy optimization. Jpn J Clin Oncol 2019;49(7):664-70.
  • 2019

    Lee J, Oh D, Choi BO, Eom KY, Lee JH, Kim JH, et al. Patterns of care for orbital marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue in Korea throughout 2016: Results from a multicenter cross-sectional cohort study (KROG 16-19). Asia Pac J Clin Oncol 2019;15(6):358-63.
  • 2019

    Lee J, Kim CY, Koom WS, Rim CH. Practical effectiveness of re-irradiation with or without surgery for locoregional recurrence of rectal cancer: A meta-analysis and systematic review. Radiother Oncol 2019;140:10-9.
  • 2019

    Cho WK, Park W, Choi DH, Kim YB, Kim JH, Kim SS, et al. The Benefit of Post-Mastectomy Radiotherapy in ypN0 Patients after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy According to Molecular Subtypes. J Breast Cancer 2019;22(2):285-96.
  • 2019

    Cho WK, Park W, Choi DH, Kim YB, Suh CO, Shin KH, et al. Is tumor bed boost necessary in patients who achieved ypCR following neoadjuvant chemotherapy and breast conserving therapy? (KROG 12-05 and 16-16). Breast 2019;45:43-7.
  • 2019

    Cho WK, Park W, Choi DH, Kim YB, Kim JH, Kim SS, et al. Role of Elective Nodal Irradiation in Patients With ypN0 After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Followed by Breast-Conserving Surgery (KROG 16-16). Clin Breast Cancer 2019;19(1):78-86.
  • 2018

    Chang JS, Lee J, Chun M, Shin KH, Park W, Lee JH, et al. Mapping patterns of locoregional recurrence following contemporary treatment with radiation therapy for breast cancer: A multi-institutional validation study of the ESTRO consensus guideline on clinical target volume. Radiother Oncol 2018;126(1):139-47.
  • 2018

    Lee J, Lee M, Koom WS, Kim HJ, Kim WC. Metabolic positron emission tomography parameters predict failure patterns in early non-small-cell lung cancer treated with stereotactic body radiation therapy: a single institution experience. Jpn J Clin Oncol 2018;48(10):920-6.
  • 2018

    Lee J, Han HJ, Min BS, Hong SP, Shin SJ, Yoon HI, et al. The role of endoscopic evaluation for radiation proctitis in patients receiving intermediate-dose postoperative radiotherapy for rectal cancer. Jpn J Clin Oncol 2018;48(11):988-94.
  • 2018

    Park S, Cho Y, Lee J, Koh YW, Kim SH, Choi EC, et al. Survival and Functional Outcome after Treatment for Primary Base of Tongue Cancer: A Comparison of Definitive Chemoradiotherapy versus Surgery Followed by Adjuvant Radiotherapy. Cancer Res Treat 2018;50(4):1214-25.
  • 2018

    Park JW, Choi SH, Yoon HI, Lee J, Kim TH, Kim JW, et al. Treatment outcomes of radiotherapy for anaplastic thyroid cancer. Radiat Oncol J 2018;36(2):103-13.
  • 2018

    Koo T, Lim DH, Seol HJ, Park CK, Kim IH, Chang JH, et al. Multi-institutional study of treatment patterns in Korean patients with WHO grade II gliomas: KNOG 15-02 and KROG 16-04 intergroup study. J Neurooncol 2018;138(3):667-77.
  • 2018

    Koo T, Lim DH, Seol HJ, Dho YS, Kim IH, Chang JH, et al. Impact of adjuvant treatments on survival in Korean patients with WHO grade II gliomas: KNOG 15-02 and KROG 16-04 intergroup study. J Neurooncol 2018;140(2):445-55.
  • 2018

    Rim CH, Lee J, Kim WC, Yang D, Yoon WS, Koom WS, Kim CY: A Survey of Radiation Therapy Utilization in Korea from 2010 to 2016: Focusing on Use of Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy. Journal of Korean medical science 2018, 33(9):e67.
  • 2018

    Lee J, Ahn SS, Chang JH, Suh CO: Hypofractionated Re-irradiation after Maximal Surgical Resection for Recurrent Glioblastoma: Therapeutic Adequacy and Its Prognosticators of Survival. Yonsei medical journal 2018, 59(2):194-201.
  • 2018

    Lee J, Rhee WJ, Chang JS, Chang SK, Koom WS: Evaluation of predictive factors of vertebral compression fracture after conventional palliative radiotherapy for spinal metastasis from colorectal cancer. Journal of neurosurgery Spine 2018, 28(3):333-340.
  • 2017

    Chang JS, Byun HK, Kim JW, Kim KH, Lee J, Cho Y, Lee IJ, Keum KC, Suh CO, Kim YB: Three-dimensional analysis of patterns of locoregional recurrence after treatment in breast cancer patients: Validation of the ESTRO consensus guideline on target volume. Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2017, 122(1):24-29.
  • 2017

    Kim K, Lee J, Cho Y, Chung SY, Lee JJB, Lee CG, Cho J: Predictive factors of symptomatic radiation pneumonitis in primary and metastatic lung tumors treated with stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy. Radiation oncology journal 2017, 35(2):163-171.
  • 2017

    Lee J, Choi MY, Kim YB, Sun J, Park EJ, Kim JH, Kang M, Koom WS: Art therapy based on appreciation of famous paintings and its effect on distress among cancer patients. Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation 2017, 26(3):707-715.
  • 2017

    Lee J, Kim DS, Han JW, Suh CO: Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors in children treated with multimodal therapies: The necessity of upfront radiotherapy after surgery. Pediatric blood & cancer 2017, 64(12).
  • 2017

    Yoon HI, Yoon J, Chung Y, Nam CM, Cha H, Choi J, Lee J, Han HJ, Cho Y, Kim YB et al: Individual case review in a phase 3 randomized trial to investigate the role of internal mammary lymph node irradiation for breast cancer: Korean Radiation Oncology Group 08-06 study. Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2017, 123(1):15-21.
  • 2016

    Chang JS, Lee J, Kim HJ, Kim KH, Yun M, Kim SI, Keum KC, Suh CO, Kim YB: (18)F-FDG/PET May Help to Identify a Subgroup of Patients with T1-T2 Breast Cancer and 1-3 Positive Lymph Nodes Who Are at a High Risk of Recurrence after Mastectomy. Cancer research and treatment : official journal of Korean Cancer Association 2016, 48(2):508-517.
  • 2016

    Kim KH, Lee J, Chang JS, Lee CG, Yun M, Choi EC, Kim SH, Keum KC: Prognostic value of FDG-PET volumetric parameters in patients with p16-positive oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma who received curative resection followed by postoperative radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy. Head & neck 2016, 38(10):1515-1524.
  • 2016

    Kim N, Lee J, Kim KH, Park JW, Lee CG, Keum KC: Early hypopharyngeal cancer treated with different therapeutic approaches: a single-institution cohort analysis. Radiation oncology journal 2016, 34(4):280-289.
  • 2016

    Koom WS, Choi MY, Lee J, Park EJ, Kim JH, Kim SH, Kim YB: Art therapy using famous painting appreciation maintains fatigue levels during radiotherapy in cancer patients. Radiation oncology journal 2016, 34(2):135-144.
  • 2016

    Lee J, Chang JS, Kwon HJ, Kim SH, Shin SJ, Keum KC: Impact of p16 expression in oropharyngeal cancer in the postoperative setting: the necessity of re-evaluating traditional risk stratification. Japanese journal of clinical oncology 2016, 46(10):911-918.
  • 2016

    Lee J, Cho J, Chang JH, Suh CO: Re-Irradiation for Recurrent Gliomas: Treatment Outcomes and Prognostic Factors. Yonsei medical journal 2016, 57(4):824-830.
  • 2016

    Lee J, Kim TH, Kim GE, Keum KC, Kim YB: Neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by surgery has no therapeutic advantages over concurrent chemoradiotherapy in International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics stage IB-IIB cervical cancer. Journal of gynecologic oncology 2016, 27(5):e52.
  • 2016

    Park S, Kim KH, Rhee WJ, Lee J, Cho Y, Koom WS: Treatment outcome of radiation therapy and concurrent targeted molecular therapy in spinal metastasis from renal cell carcinoma. Radiation oncology journal 2016, 34(2):128-134.
  • 2016

    Yoon HI, Kim KH, Lee J, Roh YH, Yun M, Cho BC, Lee CG, Keum KC: The Clinical Usefulness of (18)F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography (PET) to Predict Oncologic Outcomes and PET-Based Radiotherapeutic Considerations in Locally Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. Cancer research and treatment : official journal of Korean Cancer Association 2016, 48(3):928-941.
  • 2015

    Chang JS, Lee J, Kim KH, Sohn JH, Kim SI, Park BW, Chung HC, Keum KC, Suh CO, Kim YB: Do Recent Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures Negate the Benefit of Postmastectomy Radiotherapy in N1 Patients With a Low Risk of Locoregional Recurrence Medicine 2015, 94(33):e1259.
  • 2015

    Choi J, Yoon HI, Lee J, Keum KC, Kim GE, Kim YB: Optimal Extent of Prophylactic Irradiation of Paraaortic Lymph Nodes in Patients with Uterine Cervical Cancer. PloS one 2015, 10(12):e0145158.
  • 2015

    Lee J, Chang JS, Shin SJ, Lim JS, Keum KC, Kim NK, Ahn JB, Kim TI, Koom WS: Incorporation of radiotherapy in the multidisciplinary treatment of isolated retroperitoneal lymph node recurrence from colorectal cancer. Annals of surgical oncology 2015, 22(5):1520-1526.
  • 2015

    Lee J, Lee J, Choi J, Kim JW, Cho J, Lee CG: Early treatment volume reduction rate as a prognostic factor in patients treated with chemoradiotherapy for limited stage small cell lung cancer. Radiation oncology journal 2015, 33(2):117-125.



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