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"[화요일 오전] 다학제진료 12:00~13:00 [목요일 오전] 다학제진료 12:00~13:00"
연세대학교 원주의과대학 학사2011.02
연세대학교 내과학 석사2016.02
연세대학교 의과학(생화학분자생물학) 박사주요경력
2023.03 ~ 현재
인하대병원 소화기내과 부교수2019.03 ~ 2023.02
인하대병원 소화기내과 조교수2018.02 ~ 2019.02
인하대병원 소화기내과 임상조교수2017.03 ~ 2018.02
원광대병원 임상조교수2016.03 ~ 2017.02
강남세브란스 강사학회활동
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대한소화기내시경학회 정회원수상경력
Seoul international liver symposium, Best Poster Award주요 논문 및 저서
Dynamics of liver stiffness-based risk prediction model during antiviral therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis B. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY 2021 Volume 33 Issue 6 p 885-8932020
Predictive score for hepatocellular carcinoma after hepatitis B e antigen loss in patients treated with entecavir or tenofovir JOURNAL OF VIRAL HEPATITIS 2020 27(10) 1052-10602020
Acute-on-chronic liver failure as a major predictive factor for mortality in patients with variceal bleeding CLINICAL AND MOLECULAR HEPATOLOGY 2020 26(4) 540-5532020
Extremely low risk of hepatocellular carcinoma development in patients with chronic hepatitis B in immune-tolerant phase ALIMENTARY PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS 2020 5291) 196-2042020
Correlation between the small dense LDL level and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Possibility of a new biomarker MEDICINE 2020 90(28)언론보도
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