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  • 2001.08

    인하대학교 (의학박사)
  • 1998.08

    인하대학교 (의학석사)
  • 1990.02



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주요 논문 및 저서

  • 2010

    Scoliosis in a Nineteen Years Old Male: Prevalence Study. Chang-Hyun Oh, Yoon-Jong Jahng, Jae Hwan Lee, Seung Hwan Yoon, Hyeong-Chun Park, Chong Oon Park 대한척추외과학회지 7(3): 161-166, 2010
  • 2010

    Atlas of Spine surgery 군자출판사 2010년
  • 2009

    A Comparative Study of the Osteogenic Potentials of rhBMP-2 in Collagen Sponge or Mixed with Porcine Collagen Gel in a Rat Spinal Fusion Model. KH Moon, IS Park, MO Lee, HC Park, CO Park, DK Hyun, H Park, EY Kim, KW Kim, BH Choi, SR Park, DC Rim, SH Yoon. Tissue Eng Reg Med, Vol 6, pp 653-658, 2009
  • 2009

    The Inhibitory Effects of High-Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid on Cytokine Release and Fibrotic Tissue Formation after Laminectomy. JK Jun, JJ Kwon, MO Lee, SR Park, BH Choi, HC Park, IS Park, CO Park, EY Kim, H Park, DK Hyun, SH Yoon. Tissue Eng Reg Med, Vol. 12, pp 1159-1165, 2009
  • 2009

    GM-CSF inhibits glial scar formation and shows long-term protective effect after spinal cord injury. X Huang, JM Kim, TH Kong, SR Park, Y Ha, MH Kim, H Park, SH Yoon, HC Park, JO Park, BH Min, BH Choi. J Neurol Sci 277, 87 97, 2009
  • 2009

    Evaluation of Spinal Fusion Using Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells with or without Fibroblast Growth Factor-4. HS Seo, JK Jung, MH Lim, DK Hyun, NS Oh, SH Yoon. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 46 : 397-402, 2009
  • 2008

    Rabbit Model for in vivo Study of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration and Regeneration. MH Kong, DH Do, M Miyazaki, F Wei, SH Yoon, JC Wang. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 44: 327-333, 2008
  • 2008

    Comparative Study of Outcomes between Shunting after Cranioplasty and in Cranioplasty after Shunting in Large Concave Flaccid Cranial Defect with Hydrocephalus. CH Oh, CO Park, DK Hyun, HC Park, SH Yoon. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 44 : 211-216, 2008
  • 2008

    Time Course of Symptom Disappearance after Microvascular Decompression for Hemifacial Spasm. ET Oh, E Kim, DK Hyun, SH Yoon, H Park, HC Park. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 44 : 245-248, 2008
  • 2008

    Comparative study of outcomes between shunting after cranioplasty and in cranioplasty after shunting in large concave flaccid cranial defect with hydrocephalus. CH Oh, CO Park, DJ Kyun, HC Park, SH Yoon. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 44: 211-216, 2008
  • 2008

    Time course of symptom disappearance after microvascular decompression for hemifacial spasm. ET Oh, E Kim, DK Hyun, SH Yoon, H Park, HC Park. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 44: 245-248, 2008
  • 2008

    Comparison Between 4.0-mm Stainless Steel and 4.75-mm Titanium Alloy Single-Rod Spinal Instrumentation for Anterior Thoracoscopic Scoliosis Surgery SH Yoon, V Ugrinow, VV Upasani, JB Pawelek, PO Newton, SPINE Volume 33, Number 20, pp 2173 2178, 2008
  • 2008

    A Porcine Intervertebral Disc Degeneration Model Induced by Annular Injury: Characterization with MRI and Histopathologic Findings. SH Yoon, SW Hong, B Tow, M Miyazaki, Y Morishita, M Hu, SJ Ahn, JC Wang. J Neurosurg Spine 8:450 457, 2008
  • 2008

    Reliability of a Magnetic Resonance Imaging-based Grading System for Cervical Intervertebral Disc Degeneration. M Miyazaki, SW Hong, SH Yoon, Y Morishita, JC Wang. J Spinal Disord Tech 2008;21:288 292
  • 2008

    Comparison of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived From Adipose Tissue and Bone Marrow for Ex Vivo Gene Therapy in Rat Spinal Fusion Model M Miyazaki, PA Zuk, J Zou, SH Yoon, F Wei, Y Morishita, C Sintuu, JC Wang. SPINE Volume 33, Number 8, pp 863 869, 2008
  • 2008

    Comparison of Lentiviral and Adenoviral Gene Therapy for Spinal Fusion in Rats M Miyazaki, O Sugiyama, J Zou, SH Yoon, F Wei, Y Morishita, C Sintuu, MS Virk, JR Lieberman, JC Wang. SPINE Volume 33, Number 13, pp 1410 1417, 2008
  • 2008

    Missed Lumbar Disc Herniations Diagnosed With Kinetic Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Jun Zou, Huilin Yang, Masashi Miyazaki, Feng Wei, Soon W. Hong, Seung H. Yoon, Yuichiro Morishita, Jeffrey C. Wang. SPINE Volume 33, Number 5, pp E140 E144, Mar, 2008
  • 2008

    Kinematic Analysis of the Relationship Between the Grade of Disc Degeneration and Motion Unit of the Cervical Spine. Miyazaki, Masashi; Hong, Soon Woo Yoon, Seung Hwan Zou, Jun, Tow, Benjamin, Alanay, Ahmet, Abitbol, Jean-Jacques, Wang, Jeffrey C. SPINE Volume 33, Number 2, pp 187 193, Jan, 2008
  • 2008

    척추학 군자출판사 2008년
  • 2007

    X Huang , JK Choi , SR Park, Y Ha, HS Park, SH Yoon, HC Park, JO Park , BH Choi. GM-CSF inhibits apoptosis of neural cells via regulating the expression of apoptosis-related proteins. Neurosci Reser 58 ,50 57, 2007
  • 2007

    Yoon SH, Shim YS, Park YH, Chung JK, Nam JH, Kim MO, Park HC, Park SR, Min BH, Kim EY, Choi BH, Park H, Ha Y. Complete Spinal Cord Injury Treatment using Autologous Bone Marrow Cell Transplantation and Bone Marrow Stimulation with Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor (GM-CSF): Phase I/II Clinical Trial. Stem Cells. 2007 Apr 26;
  • 2007

    JK Choi, BH Choi, Y Ha, HS Park, SH Yoon, HC Park, SR Park. Signal transduction pathways of GM-CSF in neural cell lines. Neurosci Lett. 2007 Jun 15;420(3):217-22. Epub 2007 Apr 6.
  • 2007

    YS Shim, CO Park, DK Hyun, HC Park, SH Yoon. What are the causative factors for a slow, progressive enlargement of a chronic subdural hematoma Yonsei Med J. 2007 Apr 30;48(2):210-7
  • 2007

    JH Chung, SH Yoon, HC Park, CO Park, EY Kim. Analysis of factors related to neurological deficit in thoracolumbar fractures, J Korean Neurosurg Soc 44: Number 1: 2007, Jan, page 1-6 page
  • 2006

    - DC Lee, SH Yoon, HC Park, JO Park, DK Hyun, HS Park. Clinical and Computed Tomography Evaluation of Plate and Screw on the Cervical Lateral Mass: A Modified Magerl's Technique. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 39:251-255, 2006 No 4
  • 2006

    - S Yoon, H Park, S Oh, S Noh, D Rim, T Kim. The multicenter clinical study of the expandable stand-alone cages for degenrative lumbar spinal disorders. Eur Spine J 2006 Vol 15 Supplement 4 September 2006
  • 2006

    DC Lee, SH Yoon, HC Park, JO Park, DK Hyun, HS Park. Clinical and Computed Tomography Evaluation of Plate and Screw on the Cervical Lateral Mass: A Modified Magerl's Technique. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 39:251-255, 2006 No 4
  • 2005

    JW Choi, SH Yoon, HC Park, HS Park, EY Kim, Y Ha. The results and complications of the C1-C2 transarticualr screw fixation methods. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 37, 201-206, 2005, March
  • 2005

    HC PARK, YS SHIM, Y HA, SH YOON, SR PARK, BH CHOI, HS PARK. Treatment of Complete Spinal Cord Injury Patients by Autologous Bone Marrow Cell Transplantation and Administration of Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor. Tissue Eng Volume 11, Number 5/6, 913-922page 2005
  • 2005

    Y HA,YS KIM, JM CHO, SH YOON, SR PARK, DH YOON, EY KIM,HC PARK. Role of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor in preventing apoptosis and improving functional outcome in experimental spinal cord contusion injury. J Neurosurg Spine 2:55-61, 2005
  • 2004

    SH Yoon, HC Park, HS Park, EY Kim, Y Ha, CK Chong, SM Kim, DC Rim. Radiological consideration of posterior cervical lateral mass fixation using plate and screw. Yonsei Med J Jun 45(3): 406-412, 2004
  • 2004

    GK Kim, BH Choi, HC Park, SR Park, YS Kim, SH Yoon, HS Park, EY Kim, Y Ha. Effect of GM-CSF on the neural progenitor cells. Neuroreport 15: 2161-2165, 2004
  • 2004

    HG Kim, EY Kim, Y Ha, SH YOON, HC Park, HS Park. Role of acetazolamide brain SPECT in the evaluation of delayed ischemic neurolological deficits following aneurysmal subarchnoid hemorrhage. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 35: 162-167, 2004
  • 2004

    Y Ha, SH Yoon, HC Park, GN Kim, DH Yoon, YE Cho. Transplantation of human umblical cord blood improves neurological outcomes in the rats after traumatic spinal cord injury. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 35, 2004
  • 2004

    SH Yoon, HC Park, GO Park, Y Ha, DG Hyun, EY Kim, HS Park, DC Rim. Preliminary results of the posterior cervical microscopic laminoforaminotomy with tubular retractor system(MetrixTM system). Korean Journal of Spine 1: 43-49, 2004
  • 2004

    SH Yoon, CK Hong, CK Park, HC Park. Prevalence and clinical characteristics of intervertebral disc herniation in adolescence: A study based on examinations for conscription. Korean Journal of Spine 1: 83-87, 2004
  • 2004

    DH Yoon, Y Ha, SH Yoon, EY Kim, DG Hyun, JO Park, SR Park, SO Khoo, GN Kim, YE Cho, HC Park. Treatment of acute spinal cord injury. Korean Journal of Spine 1: 16-26, 2004
  • 2004

    Y Ha, SH Yoon, SR Park, YE Cho, DH Yoon, HC Park. Treatment of complete spinal cord injury patients receiving autologous bone marrow cell transplantation and bone marrow stimulation with granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor - report of three cases J Korean Neurosurg Soc 35: 459-464, 2004
  • 2004

    SH Yoon, JM Cho, HC Park, HS Park, EY Kim, Y Ha. Surgery of spinal stenosis in elderly patients -bilateral canal widening through unilateral approach- J Korean Neurosurg Soc 35: 92-497, 2004
  • 2004

    DC Rim, SH Yoon. Long-term results and techniques of the modified unilateral vertebroplasty in osteoporotic compression fracuture. Korean Journal of Spine 1: 2 212-217, 2004
  • 2004

    GK Kim, JO Park, DG Hyun, SH Yoon, EY Kim, HC Park. Change in serum concentration of magnesium and calcium ions following moderate diffuse axonal injury in rats - Preliminary study - J Korean Neurosurg Soc 39: 229-234, 2004
  • 2003

    HK Lim, SH Yoon, et al: Modified subtemporal orotacheal intubation using the blue cap on the end of the thoracic catheter. Yonsei Med J 44, No 5, pp 919-922, 2003
  • 2003

    CS Yoon, SH Yoon, et al. Clinical application and surgical results of hollow cage(RABEATM). J Korean Neurosurg Soc 34, July, 2003
  • 2003

    SW Hwang, SH Yoon, et al. Prognostic factors of the posterior lumbar interbody fusion with expandable cage, J Korean Neurosurg Soc 33: 381-387, 2003
  • 2003

    SH Yoon, DC Rim. The selective T3 sympathicotomy in patients with essential palmar hyperhidrosis, Acta Neurochirurgica 145: 467-471, 2003
  • 2002

    HS Park, SH Yoon, et al. Carotid endarterectomy Technique and perioperative management. Kor J Cerebrovascular Disease 11: 76-81, 2002
  • 2002

    SH Yoon, HC Park, et al. The effect of MK-801 and Naloxone in a sympathetically independent neuropathic pain rat model. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 32: 246-255, 2002
  • 2002

    YK Kim, SH Yoon, et al. Thermogrpahic changes after lumbar facet rhizotomy in mechanical low back pain. J Korean Medical Thermology 2: 8-12 , 2002
  • 2001

    HY Choi, SH Yoon, et al. Percutaneous vertebroplasty in the treatment of osteoporotic vertebral body compression fractures. The Konkuk J Medical Sciences 11: 89-98, 2001
  • 2001

    JS Kang, SH Yoon, et al. Treatment of anterior spinal fusion with bilateral anterior approach for tuberculous spondylitis. The Konkuk J of Medical Sciences 11: 155-162, 2001
  • 2001

    CT Moon, SH Yoon, et al. Acute expansion of hematoma in hypertensive intracranial hemorrhage. Kor J Cerebrovascular Disease 3: 163-169, 2001
  • 2001

    SH Park, SH Yoon, et al. The high concentration oxygen therapy in severe head injury patients, J Korean Neurosurg Soc, S37-S43, 2001
  • 2000

    CM Lee, SH Yoon, et al. The factors affecting the favorable outcomes in the treatment of the failed back surgery syndrome. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 29: 203-209, 2000
  • 2000

    SH Yoon, J Cho, et al. Relationship between cerebral arteriovenous oxygen difference and development of delayed cerebral infarction in patients with severe head injury. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 29: 536-542, 2000
  • 2000

    SH Yoon, J Cho, et al. Posterior interbody fusion using TFC in the lower lumbar spine. The Konkuk J of Medical Sciences 10: 69-81,2000
  • 2000

    SY Lee, SH Yoon, et al. A case of total resection of the cervical huge spinal neurofibroma by combined posterior and anterolateral approaches. The Konkuk J of Medical Sciences 10: 143-150, 2000
  • 2000

    CT Moon, SH Yoon, et al. A case of treatment of type 3 Hangman's fracture using occipital cervical loop. The Konkuk J of Medical Sciences 10: 137-141, 2000
  • 2000

    SH Park, SH Yoon, et al. An intradural extramedullary hemangioblastoma of distal spinal cord. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 29:1523-1526, 2000
  • 2000

    SY Lee, SH Yoon, et al. The analysis of surgical results to the lumbar spinal disorders of aged person. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 30: 1612-1619, 2000
  • 1999

    EY Kim, SH Yoon, et al. Para-condylar Foraminal Approach in Microvascular Decompression for Hemifacial Spasm. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 28: 196-202, 1999
  • 1999

    EY Kim, SH Yoon, et al. Surgical Application of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Anatomy for Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Surgery. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 28: 209-214,1999
  • 1999

    CM Lee, SH Yoon, et al. A case of traumatic subdural empyema. KJMSEL 8: 199-206, 1999
  • 1999

    SK Chang, SH Yoon, et al. A surgical treatment of low-grade spondylolisthesis. A comparative study of in situ fusion and fusion after reduction. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 28: 971-979, 1999
  • YY Choi, SH Yoon,Y Ha, EY Kim, HC Park, CO Park. Posterior Microscopic Lesionectomy for Lumbar Disc Herniation with Tubular Retraction Using METRxTM System. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 40: Dec. 406-411page
  • BH Choi, Y Ha, HS Park, SH Yoon, HC Park, BH Min, SR Park. Application of GM-CSF for the repair of spinal cord injury. Tiss Eng Reg Med Vol 3. No1 pp 21-26



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