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  • 2012.02

    성균관대 대학원 의학 석사
  • 2007.02

    이화여대 의과대학 학사


  • 2025.03 ~ 현재

    인하대병원 신경과 교수
  • 2024.09 ~ 현재

    인하대병원 신경과 과장
  • 2022.02 ~ 2023.01

    미국 Wake Forest 의과대학 뇌졸중센터 연수
  • 2020.03 ~ 2025.02

    인하대병원 신경과 부교수
  • 2014.03 ~ 2020.02

    인하대병원 신경과 조교수
  • 2013.03 ~ 2014.02

    인하대병원 임상강사
  • 2012.03 ~ 2013.02

    삼성서울병원 전임의
  • 2008.03 ~ 2012.02

    삼성서울병원 전공의
  • 2007.03 ~ 2008.02

    삼성서울병원 인턴


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    대한뇌졸중학회 질향상위원회
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    대한뇌졸중학회 교육위원회
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    전)대한뇌졸중학회 총무위원회 간사


주요 논문 및 저서

  • 2024

    (공동 제1저자) Heterogeneity of factors associated with cognitive decline and cortical atrophy in early-versus late-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Scientific Reports. 2024;14:20429
  • 2024

    (공동) PCSK9 inhibitor in acute ischemic stroke patient receiving mechanical thrombectomy: Early outcomes and safety. Frontiers in Neurology. 2024;15:1375609
  • 2024

    (공동) Rescue therapy of early neurological deterioration in lacunar stroke. BMC neurology. 2024;24:329
  • 2023

    (제1저자) Stroke in women: a review focused on epidemiology, risk factors, and outcomes. Journal of Stroke 2023;25:2-15
  • 2023

    (제1저자) Angiotensin-converting enzyme insertion/deletion gene polymorphism and the progression of cerebral microbleeds. Frontiers in Neurology. 2023;14:1230141
  • 2023

    (공동) Amyloid deposition in early onset versus late onset Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 2013;35(4):813-821
  • 2022

    (제1저자) Comparisons of prehospital delay and related factors between acute ischemic stroke and acute myocardial infarction. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2022;11:e023214.
  • 2022

    (공동) Comparison of Factors Associated With Direct Versus Transferred-in Admission to Government-Designated Regional Centers Between Acute Ischemic Stroke and Myocardial Infarction in Korea. Journal of Korean Medical Science 2022;37.
  • 2022

    (제1저자) Sex differences in the progression of cerebral microbleeds in patients with concomitant cerebral small vessel disease. Frontiers in Neurology. 2022;13.
  • 2021

    (제1저자) Comparison of longitudinal changes of cerebral small vessel disease markers and cognitive function between subcortical vascular mild cognitive impairment with and without notch3 variant: A 5-year follow-up study. Frontiers in neurology. 2021;12:242
  • 2021

    (공동 제1저자) Effects of Alzheimer’s and vascular pathologies on structural connectivity in early-and late-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Frontiers in neuroscience. 2021;15:58
  • 2021

    (제1저자) Paraparesis in unilateral medial medullary infarction. Journal of Clinical Neurology. 2021;17:145
  • 2020

    (제1저자) A case report and experience of endovascular treatment for a patient with hemophilia who had a hyperacute ischemic stroke. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2020;29:104859
  • 2020

    (제1저자) Sleep apnea and early neurological deterioration in acute ischemic stroke. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 2020;29:104510.
  • 2019

    (공동 제1저자) Relationships between [18F]-THK5351 retention and language functions in primary progressive aphasia. Journal of Clinical Neurology 2019;15:527-536.
  • 2019

    (공동) Multimodal imaging analyses in patients with genetic and sporadic forms of small vessel disease. Scientific Reports. 2019;9(1):787
  • 2018

    (제1저자) Yield of screening tests for systemic vasculitis in young adults with ischemic stroke. European Neurology. 2018;80:245-248
  • 2018

    (제1저자) [18F]-THK5351 PET imaging in nonfluent-agrammatic variant primary progressive aphasia. Dementia and neurocognitive disorders. 2018;17:110-119
  • 2018

    (공동) Prognostic value of amyloid pet scan in normal pressure hydrocephalus. Journal of Neurology. 2018; 265:63-73
  • 2018

    (공동) [18F]-THK5351 PET Imaging in Patients With Semantic Variant Primary Progressive Aphasia. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders. 2018;32(1):62-69
  • 2017

    (제1저자) Is antiplatelet treatment effective at attenuating the progression of white matter hyperintensities? PloS One. 2017;12(4):e0176300
  • 2016

    (제1저자) Sex differences in large artery atherosclerotic stroke, a Korean study. Neurology Asia. 2016;21(4):311-316
  • 2016

    (공동) Role of Cerebrovascular Disease in Amyloid Deposition. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 2016;54(3):1015-1026
  • 2015

    (제1저자) NOTCH3 variants in patients with subcortical vascular cognitive impairment: a comparison with typical CADASIL patients. Neurobiology of Aging. 2015;36(8):2443. e1-. e7
  • 2015

    (공동) Effects of amyloid and vascular markers on cognitive decline in subcortical vascular dementia. Neurology. 2015;85(19):1687-1693
  • 2015

    (공동) Amyloid burden, cerebrovascular disease, brain atrophy, and cognition in cognitively impaired patients. Alzheimer's & Dementia. 2015;11(5):494-503. e3
  • 2015

    (공동) Structural brain changes after traditional and robot-assisted multi-domain cognitive training in community-dwelling healthy elderly. PloS One. 2015;10(4):e0123251
  • 2015

    (공동) Hippocampal volume and shape in pure subcortical vascular dementia. Neurobiology of Aging. 2015;36(1):485-491
  • 2015

    (공동) Association between body mass index and cortical thickness: among elderly cognitively normal men and women. International Psychogeriatrics. 2015;27(1):121-130.
  • 2015

    (공동) Higher education affects accelerated cortical thinning in Alzheimer's disease: a 5-year preliminary longitudinal study. International Psychogeriatrics. 2015;27(1):111-120
  • 2014

    (제1저자) Higher C‐peptide levels are associated with regional cortical thinning in 1093 cognitively normal subjects. European Journal of Neurology. 2014;21(10):1318-1323
  • 2014

    (공동 제1저자) Spectrum of NOTCH3 mutations in Korean patients with clinically suspicious cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy. Neurobiology of Aging. 2014;35(3):726. e1-. e6
  • 2014

    (공동) Anatomical heterogeneity of Alzheimer disease based on cortical thickness on MRIs. Neurology. 2014;83(21):1936-1944
  • 2014

    (공동) Seoul criteria for PiB (−) subcortical vascular dementia based on clinical and MRI variables. Neurology. 2014;82(17):1529-1535
  • 2014

    (공동) Synergistic effects of ischemia and β-amyloid burden on cognitive decline in patients with subcortical vascular mild cognitive impairment. JAMA Psychiatry. 2014;71(4):412-422
  • 2014

    (공동) Hippocampal and cortical atrophy in amyloid-negative mild cognitive impairments: comparison with amyloid-positive mild cognitive impairment. Neurobiology of Aging. 2014;35(2):291-300
  • 2014

    (공동) White matter hyperintensities are associated with amyloid burden in APOE4 non-carriers. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 2014;40(4):877-886
  • 2014

    (공동) Shape changes of the basal ganglia and thalamus in Alzheimer's disease: a three-year longitudinal study. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 2014;40(2):285-295
  • 2014

    (공동) Blood viscosity in subcortical vascular mild cognitive impairment with versus without cerebral amyloid burden. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2014;23(5):958-966
  • 2013

    (제1저자) Cognitive deficits of pure subcortical vascular dementia vs Alzheimer disease PiB-PET–based study. Neurology. 2013;80(6):569-573
  • 2013

    (제1저자) Cerebellar atrophy in patients with subcortical-type vascular cognitive impairment. The Cerebellum. 2013;12(1):35-42
  • 2013

    (공동) Pathogenesis of cerebral microbleeds: in vivo imaging of amyloid and subcortical ischemic small vessel disease in 226 individuals with cognitive impairment. Annals of Neurology. 2013;73(5):584-593
  • 2013

    (공동) Individual subject classification of mixed dementia from pure subcortical vascular dementia based on subcortical shape analysis. PloS One. 2013;8(10):e75602
  • 2013

    (공동) Effects of APOE ɛ4 on brain amyloid, lacunar infarcts, and white matter lesions: a study among patients with subcortical vascular cognitive impairment. Neurobiology of Aging. 2013;34(11):2482-2487
  • 2013

    (공동) The effects of small vessel disease and amyloid burden on neuropsychiatric symptoms: a study among patients with subcortical vascular cognitive impairments. Neurobiology of Aging. 2013;34(7):1913-1920
  • 2013

    (공동) Changes in subcortical structures in early-versus late-onset Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging. 2013;34(7):1740-1747
  • 2013

    (공동) Effect of kidney dysfunction on cortical thinning in patients with probable Alzheimer's disease dementia. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 2013;33(4):961-968
  • 2013

    (공동) Association between the amount of right-to-left shunt and infarct patterns in patients with cryptogenic embolic stroke: a transcranial Doppler study. International Journal of Stroke. 2013;8(8):657-662
  • 2012

    (공동 제1저자) Adverse effects of 24 hours of sleep deprivation on cognition and stress hormones. Journal of Clinical Neurology. 2012;8(2):146-150
  • 2012

    (제1저자) Premorbid warfarin use and lower D‐dimer levels are associated with a spontaneous early improvement in an atrial fibrillation‐related stroke. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 2012;10(11):2394-2396
  • 2012

    (공동) Multiphasic perfusion computed tomography as a predictor of collateral flow in acute ischemic stroke: comparison with digital subtraction angiography. European Neurology. 2012;67(4):252-255



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