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"★ 2층 뇌혈관센터 진료 "


뇌동맥류, 뇌혈관기형, 경동맥 협착증, 모야모야병


  • 1996.02

    연세대학교 (의학박사) 의학
  • 1988.02

    연세대학교 (의학석사) 의학
  • 1985.02

    연세대학교 (의학사) 의학


  • 2020.06 ~ 2021.12

    인하대병원 정보전략기획실장
  • 2019.09 ~ 2022.01

    인하대병원 권역공공의료정책센터장
  • 2013.09 ~ 2020.05

    인하대병원 기획조정실장
  • 2013.09 ~ 2014.05

    인하대병원 신관기획단장
  • 2013.03 ~ 2013.09

    인하대병원 인천권역심뇌혈관질환센터장
  • 2010.01 ~ 2012.04

    인하대병원 임상연구센터장
  • 2006.01 ~ 2013.08

    인하대병원 신경외과 과장
  • 2005.01 ~ 현재

    인하대병원 신경외과 교수
  • 2008.01 ~ 2010.01

    인하대병원 사이버나이프센터장
  • 2008.01 ~ 2009.01

    Standford Hospital Cyberknife Center, Short-term Visiting Fellow
  • 2003.01 ~ 2004.01

    영국 쉐필드대학 연수
  • 2001.01 ~ 2003.01

    인하대병원 신경외과 과장
  • 2000.01 ~ 2004.01

    인하대병원 신경외과 부교수
  • 1997.01 ~ 2000.01

    인하대병원 신경외과 조교수
  • 1996.01 ~ 1997.01

    연세의대 신경외과 조교수
  • 1993.01 ~ 1996.01

    연세의대 신경외과 강사
  • 1991.01 ~ 1993.01

    국군일동병원 신경외과장



주요 논문 및 저서

  • 2009

    Kim NK, Choi BH, Huang X, Snyder BJ, Bukhari S, Kong TH, Park HS, Park HC, Park SR, Ha Y. Granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor promotes survival of dopaminergic neurons in the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine-induced murine Parkinson's disease model Eur J Neurosci. 29(5):891-900, 2009.
  • 2009

    Kong T, Choi JK, Park HS, Choi BH, Snyder BJ, Bukhari S, Kim NK, Huang X, Park SR, Park HC, Ha Y., Reduction in programmed cell death and improvement in functional outcome of transient focal cerebral ischemia after administration of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor in rats J Neurosurg. 111(1):155-63, 2009
  • 2009

    Huan X, Kim JM, Kong TH, Park SR, Ha Y, Lim MH, Park HS, Yoon SH, Park HC, Park JO, Min BH, Choi BH; GM-CSF inhibits glial scar formation and shows long-term protective effect after spinal cord injury. Journal of neurological science 277: 87-97, 2009
  • 2009

    Kim JM, Lee MH, Kim KH, Ha Y, Choi JK, Park SR, Park HS, Park HC, Ahn CH, Kim SW, Choi BH;Gene therapy of neural cell injuries in vitro using the hypoxia-inducible GM-CSF expression plasmids and water-soluble lipopolymer (WSLP), Journal of controlled released 133(1) 60-67, 2009
  • 2009

    Kim KH, Kim MH, LimYH, Park SR, Choi, BH, Park HC, Yoon SH, Min BH, Park HS A Comparative Biocompatibility Study of Chondrocyte-derived ECM and Silk Fibroin Scaffolds In Vitro and in Rat Acute Traumatic Brain Injury. Tissue Engineering And Regenerative Medicine 6(14) : 1420-1428, 2009
  • 2008

    Oh ET, Hyun DK, Yoon SH, Park HS, Kin EY, Park HC, Park JO; Traumatic Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Bilateral Basal Ganglia Kor Neurotraumatol Soc4(1):89-92 2008
  • 2008

    Oh CH, Hyun DK, Yoon SH, Park HS, Kin EY, Park HC, Park JO; The Relationship between Postoperative Drainage Volume and Brain Shifting Index in Chronic Subdural Hematoma, J Kor Neurotraumatol Soc4(1):70-76 2008
  • 2008

    Oh, ET, Kim EY, Hyun DK, Yoon SH, Park HS, Park HC; Time Course of Symptom Disappearance after Microvascular Decompression for Hemifacial Spasm J Kor Neurosurgical Soc 44(4) 245-248, 2008.11
  • 2007

    Park HS, Varadi A, Seok H, Jo JH, Gilpin H, Liew CHee Gee, Jung SJ, Andrew P, Molnar, E, Cho KW; mGluR5 is involved in dendrite differentiation and excitatory synaptic transmission in NTERA2 human embryonic carcinoma cell-derived neurons Neuropharmacology 52:1403-1414, 2007
  • 2007

    Choi BH, Ha Y, Huang X, Park SR, Chung JH, Hyun DK, Park HS, Park HC, Kim SW, Lee MH: Hypoxia-inducible expression of vascular endothelial growth factor for the treatment of spinal cord injury in a rat model J Neurosurg Spine 7:54 60, 2007
  • 2007

    Yoon SH, Shin TS, Pakr YH, Chung JK, Nam JH, Kim MO, Park HC, SR Park, Min BH, Kim EY, Choi BH, Park HSm Ha Yoon ; Complete Spinal Cord Injury Treatment Using Autologous Bone Marrow Cell Transplantation and Bone Marrow Stimulation with Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor: Phase I/II Clinical Trial STEMCELLS 25:2066 2073, 2007
  • 2007

    Huang X, Choi JK,Park SR, Ha Y, Park HS, Yoon SH, Park HC, Park JO, Choi BH GM-CSF inhibits apoptosis of neural cells via regulating the expression of apoptosis-related proteins Neuroscience Research 58: 50 57 2007
  • 2007

    Choi BH, Ha Y, Ahn CH, Kim JM, Park SR, Park HS, Park HC, Kim SW, Lee MH A hypoxia-inducible gene expression system using erythropoietin 3′ untranslated region for the gene therapy of rat spinal cord injury Neuroscience letters 412(2):118-122 2007
  • 2007

    Choi JK, Choi BH, Ha Y, Park HS, Yoon SH, Park HC, Park SR Signal transduction pathways of GM-CSF in neural cell lines Neuroscience Letters 420: 217 222, 2007
  • 2006

    Shim YS, Park JW, Hyun DK, Ha Y, Park HS, Park HC; Histologically Neuroprotective Effect of MgSO4 after Moderate Diffuse Axonal Injury in Rats J Kor Neurotraumatol Soc2(1):7-12 2006
  • 2006

    Lee DC, Yoon SW, Park HC, Park JW, Hyun DK, Park HS; Clinical and Computed Tomography Evaluation of Plate and Screw on the Cervical Lateral Mass: A Modified Magerl’s Technique J Kor Neurotraumatol Soc 39:251-255 2006
  • 2006

    Choi BH, Ha Y, Park HS, Yoon SH, Park HC, Min BH, Park SR; Application OF GM-CSF for the Repair of Spinal Cord Injury Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 3(1);21-26 2006
  • 2005

    Park HC, Shim YS, Ha Y, Yoon SH, Park SR, Choi BH, Park HS Treatment of Complete Spinal Cord Injury Patients by Autologous Bone Marrow Cell Transplantation and Administration of Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor Tissue Engineering 11:913-922 2005
  • 2005

    Choi JW, Yoon SH, Park HC, Park HS, Kim EY, Ha Y; The results and complications of the C1-C2 transarticualr screw fixation methods J Korean Neurosurg Soc 37:201-206 2005
  • 2005

    Han DH, Kwak MK, Choi BH, Ha Y, Park HS, Park SR Effects of GM-CSF on the mobilization of bone marrow stem cells Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 2:274-279 2005
  • 2005

    Kwak JO, Kim HW, Song JH, Kim MJ, Park HS, Hyun DK, Kim DS, Cha SH; Evidence for rat organic anion transporter 3 association with caveolin-1 in rat kidney. IUBMB life 57; 109-117 2005
  • 2004

    Yoon SH, Park HC, Park HS, Kim EY, Ha Y, Chung JK, Kim SM, Rhim DC; Radiological consideration of posterior cervical lateral mass fixation using plate and screw Yonsei Meidcal Journal 45(3);406-12 2004
  • 2004

    Jo JM, Yoon SH, Park HC, Park HS, Kim EY, Ha Y; Surgery of spinal stenosis in elderly patients J Korean Neurosurg Soc 35(5);492-297 2004
  • 2004

    Kim HJ, Kim EY, Ha Y, Yoon SH, Park HC, Park HS; Roel of acetazolamide brain SPECT in the evaluation of delayed ischemic neurolological deficits following aneurysmal subarchnoid hemorrhage J Korean Neurosurg Soc 35 (2) :162-167 2004
  • 2004

    Park HC, Yoon SH, Park JW, Ha Y, Hyun DK, Kim EY, Park HS, Rhim DC; Preliminary results of the posterior cervical microscopic laminoforaminotomy with tubular retractor system(MetrixTM system) Korean Journal of Spine 1(1):43-39 2004
  • 2004

    Kim JK, Choi BH, Park HC, Park SR, Kim YS, Yoon SH, Park HS, Kim EY, Ha Y; Effect of GM-CSF on the neural progenitor cells. Neuroreport 15(14): 2161-2165 2004
  • 2003

    Lee KH, Kim HJ, Cho YG, Park HS, Han HS, Kang YH; Sinus Pericranii in an infant J Korean Radiological Society 49(5):417-420 2003
  • 2003

    Kim HJ, Kim SH, Kim SK, Yoon SH, Park HS, Kim EY, Park HC; congenital glioblastoma with intratumoral hemorrhage - a case report - J Korean Brain Tumor Society 2:99-103 2003
  • 2003

    Yoon CS, Yoon SH, Park HC, Park HS, Kim SH, Kim EY; Clinical application and surgical results of Hollow Cage( RABEATM) without bone graft in the one-segment cervical spinal interbody fusion J Korean Neurosurg Soc 34:17-22 2003
  • 2003

    Hwang SW, Yoon SH, Park HC, Park HS, Kin SH, Kim EY; Prognostic factors of the posterior lumbar interbody fusion with expandable cage J Korean Neurosurg Soc 33; 381-387 2003
  • 2003

    Kim KS, Lee JW, Kim DH, Park HS; A case of Aspergillus epidural abscess in Middle Cranial Fossa Korean J Otolaryngol: Head Neck Surg 46: 436-439 2003
  • 2003

    Hwang SW, Ha Y, Yoon SH, Cho YG, Kim EY, Park HC, Park HS; Homodynamic infarction associated with coil embolization of intracranial aneurym. Kor J Cerebrovascular Surgery 5(2) 58-62 2003:
  • 2002

    Ahn TJ, Hyun DK, Park HS, Kim EY, Park JW, Ha YS, Park HC; Diagnostic Agreement between Magnetic Resonance Image and Computed Tomography in Degenerative Cervical Diseases.J Korean Neurosurg Soc 32(1): 6-11 2002
  • 2002

    Park HS, Jung JK, Kim EY, Yoon SH, Park HC; Carotid Endartetectomy: Technique and Perioperative Management. Kor J Cerebrovascular Surgery 4(2) 104-109 2002:
  • 2000

    Park HS, Lee JW, Kim JY, Shin YS, Joo JY, Huh SK, Lee KC; Management of Elderly Patients with Intracranial Aneurysm J Korean Neurosurg Soc 29(6):786-793 2000
  • 1999

    Park HS, Kim EY, Cho YG, Sohn MJ, Park HC: Practical Role of Three-Dimensional Computed Tomographic Angiography in Planning the Surgery for Intracranial Aneurysm J Kor Neurosurg Soc 28(7): 956-970, 1999
  • 1997

    Park HS, Shin YS, Huh SK Lee KC; Management of Poor-grade Patients with Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysm J Korean Neurosurg soc 26(2):215-22 1997
  • 1996

    Seo EK, Park HS, Joo JY, Lee KC: Occipital arteriovenous malformation and visual field defect J Kor Neurosurg Soc 25(4): 778-785, 1996
  • 1996

    Park HS, Kim SH, Lee KC: Subdural fluid collection following ruptured aneurysm surgery as a manifestation of disturbed cerebrospinal fluid circulation J Kor Neurosurg Soc 25(4): 769-777, 1996
  • 1995

    Lee KC, Park HS, Joo JY, Jin BH: Overall management outcome of patients with ruptured intracranial aneurysm during a 2-year period J Kor Neurosurg Soc 24(9): 1030-1036, 1995
  • 1995

    Kin HS, Park HS, Joo JY, Kim DI, Lee KC: Diagnosis and management of the vertebrobasilar dissecting aneurysm J Kor Neurosurg Soc 24(6): 667-675, 1995
  • 1994

    Cho KG, Park HS, Chung SS: Correlation between disk morphology and intradiscal pressure in lumbar intervertebral disk J Kor Neurosurg Soc 23(11): 1253-1259, 1994
  • 1993

    Park HS, Cho KG, Chung SS: One stage facial nerve reconstruction by great auricular nerve graft bypassing the petrous bone J Kor Microsurg Soc 2(1) 42- 45, 1993
  • 1989

    Park HS, Choi JU, Kim YS, Chung SS, Lee KC: Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma J Kor Neurosurg Soc 18(5): 697-705, 1989
  • 1989

    Park HS, Choi JU: Clinical research of Intracranial Nodular lesions on Brain CT scan in children J Kor Neurosurg Soc 18(4): 562-570, 1989



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