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"★ 심뇌재활센터"
심장재활,호흡재활,뇌재활,연하장애재활,인지재활,어지럼증재활, 심근경색, 뇌경색, 뇌출혈, 삼킴장애, 인지저하, 어지럼증, 두경부, 요추부, 어깨 통증
인하대학교(의학박사) 뇌졸중 재활의학2010.02
인하대학교 (의학석사) 재활의학2006.02
인하대학교 (의학사) 의학주요경력
2024.03 ~ 현재
인천권역심뇌혈관질환센터 뇌재활센터장2022.09 ~ 현재
인하대병원 재활의학과 과장2019.09 ~ 현재
인하대병원 재활의학과 부교수2013.09 ~ 2019.08
인하대병원 재활의학과 조교수2013.03 ~ 2013.08
인하대병원 재활의학과 임상강사학회활동
심장재활의학회 평의원-
노인재활의학회 간사수상경력
대한재활의학회 젊은연구자상 수상주요 논문 및 저서
11. Superior Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training Compared to Conventional Therapy on Cardiovascular and Psychological Aspects in Myocardial Infarction./2018/Annals of rehabilitation medicine2017
10. The associations between insomnia and health-related quality of life in rehabilitation units at 1month after stroke./2017/Journal of psychosomatic research2017
9. Effects of task-specific rehabilitation training on tau modification in rat with photothrombotic cortical ischemic damage./2017/Neurochemistry international2017
8. The Effect of Sleep Disturbances on the Functional Recovery of Rehabilitation Inpatients Following Mild and Moderate Stroke./2017/ American journal of physical medicine and rehabilitation2015
7. Inpatient stroke rehabilitation outcomes in Korea derived from the Korean Brain Rehabilitation Centers' online database system for the years 2007 to 2011./2015/Journal of Korean medical science언론보도
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